Take extreme caution when temps rise
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 1, 2001
The sad case of Vikings player Korey Stringer, who died after a day of grueling practice in the extreme heat Tuesday, just illustrates the importance of taking the heat seriously when temperatures begin to climb toward triple digits.
Wednesday, August 01, 2001
The sad case of Vikings player Korey Stringer, who died after a day of grueling practice in the extreme heat Tuesday, just illustrates the importance of taking the heat seriously when temperatures begin to climb toward triple digits.
The blazing heat can be more than just uncomfortable; it can be extremely dangerous. When heat advisories are in effect, like they were Tuesday and may be again by the weekend, caution is the key.
The best advice, especially for the elderly and other potentially vulnerable people, is to stay indoors during the hottest times of the day. For those who have air conditioning, now is the time to use it; after all, if it isn’t used in heat like Tuesday’s, it will never be used. Those who don’t have A/C can circulate air through their homes with fans to cool the place.
Drinking plenty of water is important, and days with 110-degree heat indexes are not the times for too much strenuous physical activity.
Stringer was a professional athlete who is accustomed to working long days under the weight of hot pads, yet he was still a victim. It’s an unfortunate reminder of what heat can do.