Editorial: Fly the flag, but do it the proper way

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 18, 2001

One week after the worst terrorist attack against America, the country is still mourning, still fuming and still demanding a response.

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

One week after the worst terrorist attack against America, the country is still mourning, still fuming and still demanding a response. All this pain and rage, however, has created an atmosphere of unity and patriotism not seen in years. Old Glory is making a comeback, flying outside homes and businesses and flapping in the wind behind vehicles. It’s a welcome sight, and it helps everyone remember why this fight is so important.

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Flag makers are working overtime and some stores are running out of flags. We hope the demand for the stars and stripes will continue – wouldn’t it be great to see the American flag flying outside of every house and every business in Freeborn County?

As the flag is displayed, however, it’s important for all to remember that proper flag etiquette is essential to show respect for Old Glory. A few pointers from Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer:

— The flag shouldn’t be used as apparel, bedding or drapery.

— It should never be fastened, displayed, used or stored in a manner that would permit it to be easily torn, soiled or damaged.

— Any lapel flag pins should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

A brochure about proper flag use is available from Kiffmeyer’s office; call 651-296-2803, or toll-free 1-877-600-8683.