Ventura’s trip to New York was justified

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 3, 2001


Wednesday, October 03, 2001

Gov. Jesse Ventura’s trip to New York City, like all his trips anywhere for any purpose, is drawing some criticism. This time, detractors say the governor should be in Minnesota dealing with a state strike, not in New York visiting the site of the World Trade Center collapse.

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It’s fine to question Ventura, and given some of his less justifiable jaunts, it’s to be expected that he’d come under increased scrutiny.

But this trip does not deserve any derision. As the commander of the state’s National Guard troops and the leader of the state’s government, it’s important for Ventura to fully understand and take seriously the new threat to our nation. All governors need to be part of the country’s plan to make this country safe from terrorism. Seeing the destruction first-hand, many have said, is the only way they were able to comprehend the extent of the destruction. Indeed, many other state governors have visited the site; it’s not like Ventura is doing something unprecedented.

His trips that capitalize on celebrity are to be condemned, but this trip used Ventura’s celebrity and nationwide recognition to lighten the spirits of those working at the site of the collapse. New York mayor George Pataki said Ventura’s presence was a morale booster for firefighters and recovery workers.

The state strike is a major concern, but there is little Ventura could have done if he were here, anyway. He has said he will not take a hands-on approach to getting the strike solved; he will leave that to negotiators and union officials. That’s probably best. There’s no need for politics to be any more involved than they have to be.

Ventura was right to go to New York, and we’re glad he represented our state well.