Drug awareness on agenda
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 3, 2001
Law enforcement organizations and chemical dependency support groups in the county will organize an annual public meeting on drug awareness at Albert Lea High School on Wednesday.
Monday, December 03, 2001
Law enforcement organizations and chemical dependency support groups in the county will organize an annual public meeting on drug awareness at Albert Lea High School on Wednesday.
The second annual meeting will particularly focus on the problem of methamphetamine abuse.
Methamphetamine, casually called speed, class ice, crystal or crank, has become the dominant drug in the community in the last several years, according to Albert Lea Police Department Assistant Chief Dwaine Winkels.
Unlike marijuana or cocaine, meth can be manufactured 100 percent chemically. The substance is known for its strong addiction and harmfulness to the central nerve system.
Though most meth is believed to be smuggled from Mexico, it can be produced from materials easily accessed in the domestic market. Just in last months, the ALPD found a clandestine lab in a downtown house garage.
Winkels points out that a majority of violent crime in Albert Lea occurs in some connection with the drug.
Tim Jensen of Freeborn County Court Administration confirms the trend: Out of 700 juvenile court cases in the last year, 30 percent are drug related.
During the meeting, to be held at the ALHS auditorium at 7 p.m., specialists from the police, Albert Lea Medical Center and probation office will share their experience with abusers and tell the dire consequence of the drug.
The support groups will start a new hot line service for drug abuse. The 24-hour-operated phone service will allow anybody with concerns about the chemical dependency of family members or friends to consult with specialists.
&uot;Everyone is welcome for the event Wednesday. We will not only educate but also provide resources to overcome the problem,&uot; Winkels said.