City to consider Farmland TIF, band festival donation

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 22, 2002

The Albert Lea City Council faces a variety of decisions at tonight’s meeting &045; starting with more decisions connected with Farmland’s potential new facility.

The council will allow time for public comments about their plan to create a TIF district to help with financing the demolition of the old plant if a new plant is built at a site on the southern edge of town. Because the legislation required to create the district hasn’t passed the legislature, though, no action can be taken until later, said city officials.

The council will also consider a request for a financial contribution to the Albert Lea Festival of Bands this summer. According to Paul Sparks, city manager, the city has not made direct contributions in the past. The city cannot legally transfer money from the convention and visitors bureau tax fund, so any funding would have to come from the general fund, he said. Organizers of the marching band festival are asking the city to contribute $1,000 toward the expenses for the event.

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The city will also act on a request to sell a parcel of land to The Salvation Army, for the purposes of building a thrift store. The land in question is part of the Channel View Urban Renewal Area and the city has been unsuccessful in previous attempts to sell the land in question, officials said.

In other business, the council will:

– Accept bids on the James Avenue street reconstruction project. As with previous projects this year, the bids came in under estimates.

– Transfer $2 million from the debt service account into the construction account, to free up more city funds for ongoing construction projects. The debt service account has been accumulating funds more quickly than expected, officials said.

– Act on a request from Lou-Rich to place a temporary stop sign at the crosswalk on Front Street which is used by employees and visitors. The sign would be used during the company’s anniversary celebrations.

The city council meets in the City Center at 7:30 p.m. tonight. They meet regularly at that time on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.

Additional information about the items on the council’s agenda can be found at the Web site for the City of Albert Lea: Follow the link to “Council Agenda.”