Polls open at 4 p.m. for referendum on new USC school
Published 12:00 am Monday, April 1, 2002
Voters in the United South Central school district have a major decision to make Tuesday.
Monday, April 01, 2002
Voters in the United South Central school district have a major decision to make Tuesday.
The district is asking voters for permission to sell bonds in order to build a new K-12 school. Turnout is expected to be heavy. Polls will be open from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and polling places have been set up in the following locations (listed by precinct):
– South Precinct – Bricelyn School. Towns/townships: Bricelyn, Brush Creek, Seely, Rome
– South Precinct – USC Middle School (Kiester). Towns/townships: Kiester, Walters, Foster, Mansfield
– North Precinct – Easton Community Center
– Towns/townships: Easton, Walnut Lake, Barber, Lura, Minnesota Lake. North Precinct – Freeborn School
– Towns/Townships: Freeborn, Carlston, Manchester, Hartland, Byron. North Precinct – USC High School Gym Lobby
– Townships: Dunbar, Clark
– Wells Precinct – USC High School Gym Lobby. Town: Wells
The question on the ballot asks voters to give the USC school district the authority to sell $32 million in general obligation bonds in order to build a new K-12 school.
The bond money would be used to build and equip a new school building, pay off existing school debt and demolish some district buildings if necessary. The new school building would cost an estimated $22.4 million.
If the referendum passes, state taxpayers pick up approximately $10 million, or one-third, of the cost of the referendum, with an equalization ratio of 56 percent of everything above $14 million. The bonds would be paid off over a twenty year period.