Briefs: Volleyball boosters to meet Wednesday
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 26, 2003
The Albert Lea Volleyball Boosters will meet Wednesday, Aug. 27 at 6 p.m. at the high school. There will be pizza and volleyball for parents and players after the meeting.
Fund-raising golf tourney Sept. 6
The Albert Lea Youth Hockey Association is holding a fund-raising golf tournament Saturday, Sept. 6 at Green Lea Golf Course.
The format is an 18-hole scramble for adults, with entry fee of $40 for golf and dinner or $10 for dinner only. Entries are limited to the first 36 teams registered. Check in starts at 1 p.m. with golf at 2.
A nine-hole kids golf tournament, with four per team, is $15 per player or $10 for dinner only.
Play begins at 8 a.m.
For more information contact Green Lea at 373-1061, Sean Passingham at 256-7317 or Chad Hacker at 377-8266.
ALYSA annual meeting Wednesday
The Albert Lea Youth Soccer Association will hold its annual general meeting Wednesday, Aug. 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the second floor meeting room at City Hall.
The public is welcome. The agenda includes election of officers for 2004 and a review of the 2003 season.