Editorial: Cut financial aid for rioting MSU students

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Students go to college to learn. Well, here’s a lesson for them: If you participate in a riot, you’ll face serious consequences.

Minnesota State University at Mankato is taking the rioting of last weekend seriously, talking about increased restrictions on parties and better education efforts about the consequences of violent behavior.

But a state lawmaker wants to take it a step further and take away state financial aid for students who got involved in the alcohol-fuled melee.

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The students at state universities are already having their education subsidized by the state and its taxpayers, and oftentimes getting more state help through financial aid. It seems appropriate that breaking the law and giving the university a black eye are grounds for having some of these privileges taken away. The state has no obligation to help people who prove through their behavior that they don’t deserve it.

Let the students who can’t control their violent urges learn a serious lesson: That acting like maniacs isn’t worth it. It’s something they can think about when they’re working an extra job to pay for their tuition.