Hench: City has great potential
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Editor’s note: The Tribune has been running profiles on all individuals who submitted a letter of interest for the mayor’s seat throughout the last week. As of the 5 p.m., July 6, deadline set by the city council, City Manager Victoria Simonsen received four letters of intent. City council members interested in the position were not required to submit letters of interest.
By Jennifer Rogers, Tribune staff writer
Dick Hench said he may not have the &uot;high-powered background&uot; of some of the other candidates for mayor, but thinks he can make a positive difference in the community.
&uot;I feel that if I’m given the opportunity I’ll do a good job,&uot; said Hench, who chairs Albert Lea’s Festival of Bands. &uot;Albert Lea is a great community to raise kids in. There is a real positive feeling about this community and there is some real potential for growth.&uot;
Hench was the first person to submit a letter of interest for the mayor’s seat, according to City Manager Victoria Simonsen.
Increasing those positive feelings is what Hench considers to be the biggest thing the city needs to do.
&uot;The changes in our community are going to occur because the people in our community decide they want the community to grow,&uot; said Hench. &uot;People need to stop working against each other and let the outside world know that we have a community worth coming to.&uot;
Q: What inspired you to seek this position?
Hench: The belief that I can make a positive difference.
Q: What qualifications will you bring to the mayor’s office?
Hench: I believe I have excellent listening skills, I remain open to other opinions but make my own decision after studying all sides. I believe I am a person of high moral integrity, who places a high value on honesty, and believes strongly in the good in people. You might call me a little old fashioned because I believe that a man’s word is his bond. That being polite, being conscious of the needs of others, and opening a door for a lady, are important values. My wife is the most important person in my life and I believe that men who create life and can’t support the results are dead beats and a mark on our society. I don’t believe in being politically correct but I do believe in being morally correct.
Q: What do you perceive as the greatest challenge to Albert Lea’s progress?
Hench: I have a strong belief in the potential of Albert Lea, it is in a position for strong growth, as long as all citizens continue to work for the benefit of the community as a whole. It is my opinion that at times in our history individual interests has worked against the growth of Albert Lea. Stagnancy occurred, and we start dying. The attitude of a community’s people is the strongest factor affecting its growth. The proper attitude will keep a community on a positive growth pattern because obstacles become challenges and not barriers.
I’ve heard over the years about how Albert Lea needs more jobs, I don’t disagree, but how about keeping the ones we already have, how about we, the citizens, supporting our own businesses first before we run out of town to do our shopping. Just look at the unhealthy condition of our two malls, look at our downtown area and ask yourself if we are supporting our own community. If our own businesses are vibrant we would attract more. Everyone wants to be a part of a winning situation.
For a community to remain vital we need to hold our young people and be attractive enough to draw other young people. Albert Lea is really a great place to raise a family. Programs that will provide for affordable housing and first time buyers advantages could help. Your Housing and Redevelopment Authority is already working hard at trying to bring some of these programs about.
Maybe we as citizens need to become more passionate about our community. Just maybe we should stop pointing a finger at the city council and city leaders and start looking at ourselves and what we are doing to make Albert Lea a better community.
Q: How have you been involved with the community?
Hench: I implemented the Festival of Bands and have served as committee chairman for six years. I am on the H.R.A. board, and this is my third you are board chairman. I served on St. Theodore’s parish council, and I served as scout master for troop 105 for many years and served on a county level in other scouting positions.
(Contact Jennifer Rogers at jennifer.rogers@albertleatribune.com or at 379-3439.)
Sidebar information:
Address: 305 Lakeview Blvd.
Ward: Two
Education: Graduated 1973, University of Southern Minnesota, Bachelor of Arts in psychology and sociology, numerous classes taken and certifications received for sales in the insurance field – health, life, accident, disability, etc.
Occupation: Semi-retired self-employed insurance salesman
Family: Married, wife Jan, daughter Tammy, 31, is a high school band director in Killeen, Texas, son Mike, 30, is a high school band director and head of the music department in Pipestone, Minn., son Brian, 30, just returned as a civilian contracted to Kuwait, and son Sean, 29, is a Sheriff’s Deputy Detention Officer for the Hennepin County Jail.
Hobbies: Passionate about hunting, working with my hunting dog, golfing with my sons, building and flying radio control airplanes, and traveling