Southwest elects Student Council

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Southwest Middle School held Student Council elections Sept. 21. The following students were elected: Abe Gardner, Andy Ehrhardt, Ella Otten, Karli Kriewall, Lani Hanson, Mark McGivern, Molly Tuohy, Suzie Marin, Alix Kermes, Jace Talamantes, Macy Paul, Morgan Ciota, Morgan Field, Sami Klapperick, Sean Laurie and Tayler Blake.

Students get voice range tests

Over the last two weeks, each member of the Southwest Middle School seventh- and eighth-grade choirs has had an individual voice range test scheduled in the choir room with choral teacher/director Sherry Seberson. This voice range test helps fulfill the academic standard of singing alone (and with others, a varied repertoire of music).

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It also helps their director get to know the students and their voices. The range test consisted of a short warm-up, descending scale patterns, and a well-known song of the student&8217;s choosing.

Students to visit ethanol plant

The fourth-graders at Lakeview Elementary will visit the ethanol plant Poet (formerly Exol) on Friday, Oct. 12.

Third-graders learn about Freeborn County

Thanks to the Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce and the Freeborn County Historical Society, Sibley third-graders are learning about Freeborn County. The annual farm tour took place on Wednesday. Students visited the Reynen potato farm, the Miller dairy farm and the Braaten hog farm.

They used their senses to look, listen, touch and smell modern day farms! They tasted some great treats too!

Next week Sibley third-graders will experience farming of the past at the Freeborn County Historical Museum.

Notice going out to taxpayers

To keep the community as informed as possible about the upcoming school district excess levy referendum, a state-required notice about this special election for Nov. 6 will soon be sent to all school district taxpayers. Community members may also find information of the school district Web site at .

Students explore literature through Reading Buddies

This year at Hawthorne Elementary, Amy Schuhmacher&8217;s fifth-grade class is teaming up with Mrs. Hallum&8217;s second-grade class to explore literature through Reading Buddies.

Every other Friday the two classes get together to read books to each other. The fifth-graders read the books and prepare questions to ask their second grade buddy. They work all week to choose appropriate books, come up with engaging questions, and explore ways they can be good role models to the second graders. The second-graders also get the opportunity to read books they have chosen to their fifth grade buddy as well.

Not only are the students excited to work with their Reading Buddies, it helps fifth-graders build confidence, practice reading skills and improve thinking strategies. It also promotes literacy and enjoyment of reading at both grades. The second-graders are in awe of the fifth-graders and are receptive to working with older students.

As teachers, it is fun to watch the students engaged in reading and sharing across grade levels.

The growing respect between the students leads to friendships that last throughout their school years and is something that all students remember for years to come.

Community-Transition-Interagency-Committee at work

The Community-Transition-Interagency-Committee exists to assist students with disabilities by helping to provide a smooth transition from high school to the adult world. Their focus is on students ages 14-21 and their families. The CTIC helps to identify, coordinate and plan needed services to assist this population to reach its potential to live, work and recreate in society. Parents, students, educators, and adult service providers sit down together to develop a transition plan that sets goals and objectives that will help a student learn skills that he/she will need for the future environments.

The Freeborn County CTIC includes representatives from area schools, County social services and providers, vocational rehabilitation services, local businesses, employment programs, and local recreational programs. The committee currently meets every month, at 1 p.m. on the second Wednesday at Albert Lea High School in Room F-201, except in December and January. The group is looking for new members, especially consumers and parents.

We would like to invite you to be a member of the CTIC.

The next meeting with be on Oct. 10. The group will be finalizing its first &8220;transition night&8221; to be held during December conferences at the high school. Group members will also be hearing from Pacer on its new transition project and from Human Services on funding. The public is welcome.

For additional meeting information, contact Theresa Groesbeck at 379-5405.

Future meetings include:

– Planning for Transition booths at ALHS conferences

– Legal aid

– Tour of Cedar Valley&8217; Community Worksites

– Behavioral Mental Health

– Vocational Rehabilitation

– Information from Pacer about community transition

– Occupational Skills.

Do you know what a fifth-grader knows?

Question: What are the names of the food groups in MyPyramid, the new food pyramid introduced by the USDA in 2005?

Answer: Grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and beans, oils.