Editorial: Socialized health will be good for small biz
Published 9:56 am Wednesday, April 23, 2008
America enjoys capitalism, and its people embrace entrepreneurial spirit.
But the largest obstacle to starting a business is the high cost of health insurance. It is risky to go without it, and many people who start businesses have a hard time affording it.
There is a lot of talk on the presidential campaign trail of universal health coverage. We hope universal coverage is a step toward a socialized health care system.
The fact is, if employers didn&8217;t have to worry about skyrocketing insurance costs, they could budget services and expenses much easier and even add jobs. Yes, taxes would be higher than they are now but not as much as the insurance costs have been. Plus, the tax rates would be steadier, without the great fluctuation health insurance has experienced &8212; and that would be good for business.
Besides, would you rather have your money go to socialized health care or some insurance company?
Some special interest groups who want to throw misinformation before the American people about the socialized health systems in countries such as Canada, Great Britain and France often claim the quality would be less and there would be long lines and medical professionals aren&8217;t paid well and so on. But these claims are simply not true. Go ask citizens of those counties whether they would prefer America&8217;s system. Moreover, go ask small business owners.
Going to a doctor should be like going to the library and checking out a book &8212; no cost to you because tax dollars already paid the bill. You get sick, you are helped. No insurance? No problem. No bills. No co-pay. Nothing. That&8217;s how it works for people in the U.S. armed forces, and it is how it should work for all U.S. citizens. The richest country in the world can afford basic health care for its people.
Besides, thanks to the conflicting nature of greed and altruism in the field of medicine, it&8217;s inevitable. Not only will socialized health care someday happen &8212; whether it is 10, 25, 50 years &8212; it will be the right thing to do for the American people &8212; and for America&8217;s entrepreneurial tradition. So let&8217;s do it sooner than later.