Editorial: Will education be funded?

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 16, 2008

Across the state, children, teachers, parents, sports fans and business people who understand how local economies work are waiting with their fingers crossed. Will the Legislature provide a funding package that will boost the funding for Minnesota schools, or will our state once again, for yet another year, give education the short end of the stick?

The present funding structure works just fine if you live in the Twin Cities suburbs. But the problem is that there is much more to the state of Minnesota than a ring of suburbs.

Let&8217;s get a funding package that helps the school districts and doesn&8217;t require school boards to go begging money from the communities in divisive excess-levy elections.

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If Minnesotans expect our state to excel in jobs, quality of life and local business, education is key. It&8217;s not the only factor, but it&8217;s a major one.

The House has passed a measure to increase funding for education. The Senate is expected to follow suit.

Many suspect Gov. Tim Pawlenty will veto any education funding package that he deems too spendy. It will be in that moment, on that day, when he has that pen, when Minnesotans will see whether he represents all of Minnesota, or whether he represents a ring of suburbs. (Or whether he is merely looking for a Republican nomination for vice president.)

Albert Lea went through too much strife last fall over school funding to let this issue go by unnoticed. This community will be watching.