Mayo Clinic doesn’t finance A.L. Medical Center

Published 11:01 am Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am writing as the co-chairwoman of Albert Lea Medical Center’s capital campaign. Many of you know that I have been a very busy person all my life, and that is true even in retirement. When my friends ask why I accepted the responsibility of managing a major capital drive for our medical center, I tell them something this important that touches the lives of my family, friends and neighbors is worthy of my strongest personal effort.

I have been blessed with good health for most of my life, but due to personal mishaps, the last five years have required serious medical care. I believe the immediacy of my care saved my life. I am only 15 minutes away from emergency care in Albert Lea and had instant referral to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester when I needed specialty care.

The most frequent question I am asked about our capital campaign is: “Why does ALMC need the support of the community?”

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It is a common misconception that the Mayo Clinic supports us financially. The truth is, we are a nonprofit, community hospital that must sustain our own business. And, as a non-profit organization, we serve everyone who comes to us.

As a past member of the ALMC Board of Trustees I was aware of the critical need for more space and more providers to meet the medical demand of our community. When we surveyed numerous local citizens, all of them told us we needed more specialties as well as primary providers. You spoke — we listened!

With more than 600 people coming to our clinic every day, it was clear this volume required additional space. Adding two additional clinic floors and 58 exam rooms allowed ALMC to hire a cardiologist; a third radiologist; an internist; three family practice doctors and three more for our same day clinic; a second ophthalmologist; an additional obstetrics doctor; two Mayo Clinic dermatologists for our Saturday clinic.

We serve hundreds of patients at the ALMC Cancer Center, the Infertility Clinic and the new Wound Clinic. ALMC is one of only three medical centers in Minnesota with hyperbaric chambers to treat chronic wounds. In a world of competitive health care alternatives, it is important we keep our local facility on the cutting edge of medical technology.

Our capital campaign has raised nearly $2 million in its first phase due to the generosity of lead donors, businesses, and ALMC employees. To reach our $3 million goal, we will need partners from the entire community to help us. For 103 years, community partners have supported us in every stage of our growth. We would not be who we are without the help of others.

I hope you will join me and say “yes” — and become a partner with Albert Lea Medical Center.

Marge Hamersly is the co-chairwoman of the capital campaign for Albert Lea Medical Center.