Power 96 to repeat program
Published 9:42 am Thursday, May 22, 2008
By Ed Shannon, AlbertLeaTribune.com
For six years Radio Station KQPR, Power 96 at 96.1 on the FM dial has been broadcasting a series of two-hour programs featuring graduating seniors from area high schools. This year, following a suggestion made by Sindi Fulton of the station&8217;s sales department, the decision was made to interview some real seniors &8212; the area&8217;s senior citizens.
This special three-hour program was broadcast on the evening of May 8. The interviews with those graduates of the past resulted in a number of requests for copies of the program. As a result, the station will re-air &8220;Senior Moments&8221; on Saturday, May 24, starting at noon.
The station is suggesting that people can use this broadcast to record their own copies.
Jay Paul, the station&8217;s staff member who conducted these interviews with the seniors of the past, said he visited with six or seven people from the following places:
Thorne Crest Retirement Community, Albert Lea Senior Center, Good Samaritan Society, Hidden Creek,
Bancroft Estates, St. John&8217;s Knutson Place and Cedars of Austin.
&8220;It was a good contrast with the kids of today. The stories were just flying out,&8221; Paul commented.
&8220;There were some great stories of the &8217;40s, &8217;50s and &8216;60s,&8221; he added.
A commentary in an ad placed by KQPR said, &8220;Hear first-hand from senior citizens … the experiences that they encountered back when they were going to school. No dancing allowed at school functions, their education, their first vehicles, what it was like during the Depression, World War I and II …&8221;
The reference to the World War I era back in 1918 may indicate an error, except for one fact. Paul said one of the people he interviewed was a 96-year-old resident of a retirement home who was &8220;very sharp.&8221;
This year&8217;s series of broadcasts on Power 96 from May 2 to 16 featured seniors from the following high schools: Lake Mills, Iowa; Alden-Conger; Northwood-Kensett, Iowa; United South Central; Blooming Prairie; NRHEG (New Richland, Hartland, Ellendale, Geneva); Albert Lea; Austin Pacelli; Glenville-Emmons and Austin Public.