School Matters: Students can check out library books from Lakeview this summer

Published 9:42 am Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The media center staff at Lakeview School is trying something new this summer.

Students may check out up to 20 Lakeview School library books for the summer. The checkout will begin on Tuesday, June 3, and go through Thursday, June 5, at the Lakeview library from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students must come with a parent/guardian to check out materials. The following must be agreed to prior to check out:

As the parent/guardian, I understand that the school media staff will ensure that my student has no items lost and no fines on their account.

Email newsletter signup

If my student has items on account or fines, student and parent/guardian will not be able to check out items for the summer until their account is settled.

I understand that as the parent/guardian I will be able to check out up to 20 items for the summer on my student&8217;s account.

I understand that all items/materials will be returned to an Albert Lea School in the fall of the year (students who will attend SWMS and check out elementary school books may return them to SWMS in the fall).

If my student is leaving the Albert Lea School District over the summer and not planning to return in the fall, I will return my books either to my child&8217;s school or to Brookside Education Center prior to our move.

I understand that should we not return all of my student&8217;s summer items in the fall or pay for any lost items, that my child will be limited on their check-out according to the school&8217;s procedure when they return to school.

A form for you to sign will be available the day you check out the materials.

Albert Lea Public Library promotes summer reading

Albert Lea Public Library Children&8217;s Librarian Patty Greibrok spoke to Lakeview kindergarten through third-graders and left materials for fourth- through sixth-graders on the summer reading program at the public library.

Sign up and participate at the Albert Lea Public Library this summer or check it out online at

If you have questions about any of upcoming programs, feel free to call Kathy Niebuhr at Lakeview at 379-5064 or e-mail

Tribute to an architect

Question: What architect/interior designer (born in Wisconsin) is recognized by the American Institute of Architects as &8220;the greatest American architect of all time&8221; even though he never finished college?

Answer: Frank Lloyd Wright

Last month, eighth-graders learned about Frank Lloyd Wright and used his Prairie style as motivation for a group project. They painted different designs in metallic paint on three black banners which are on display at the Albert Lea Art Center.

Area Learning Center students give &8216;Gift to Earth&8217;

Albert Lea Area Learning Center students recently donated $50 to the &8220;Big Gift to the Earth&8221; project, a program sponsored by The Nature Conservancy.

The donation will be used to buy one acre of land in an area of the world where development is squeezing out native plants and animals.

Each year students from all over the world help buy thousands of acres of habitat to save endangered species. This year, an elephant habitat in Africa will be purchased. The Area Learning Center has been involved with Nature Conservancy projects for many years.