Worth County Public Health to offer variety of services
Published 12:10 pm Friday, June 20, 2008
Worth County Public Health will offer child immunization clinics in June and July. Children under 6 can have a free lead test. Free home inspections are available for lead hazards to insure the home is not poisoning the family. No appointments are necessary. To make an appointment for immunizations call (800)765-1388 or (641) 324-1741.
June 24: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Methodist Church, Northwood, Iowa
July 9: 3 to 5 p.m. Manly Town Hall
In-office screenings are also available at the Worth County Public Health Office. Cholesterol panels are available for any age with an appointment for $20. Free blood pressure checks are done 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. People 60 or older can get a general assessment, five lab tests and health education at no cost. Call above numbers to schedule.
All women, from teenagers on up, can participate in a free women and diabetes awareness program led by professionals with a variety of backgrounds. Meetings are twice a month and held in Worth County, Iowa. Baby-sitting is available. A free blood sugar test is done at the first meeting. To participate call the above numbers.
Women ages 40 through 64 who meet certain guidelines may be eligible to receive cancer screening tests free of charge. Women without health insurance, with insurance that doesn’t cover screenings and similar services, who cannot pay insurance deductibles or co-payments or no Medicare Part B coverage may be eligible.
Through the Worth County program, women could receive referrals for breast and cervical cancer treatment coverage if diagnosed with cancer or a precancerous conditions. Call the above numbers and ask for Lisa for more information on the program.
In June, older Iowans can purchase fresh, locally grown produce with the help of the Iowa Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program. It gives low-income, older Iowans with redeemable checks to buy produce from authorized farmers markets, local farm stands and community-supported agriculture.
To be eligible for the Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program, people must live in Elderbridge’s 20-county service area, must be 60 years or older and have a household income less than $19,240 for a single household or $25,900 for married couples. After filling out an application, people will receive 14 $2 voucher checks. To apply, stop by the Manly Senior Citizens Center.