In memoriam of Annie, a black Lab

Published 8:00 am Saturday, August 23, 2008

On August, 11, 2008, Annie, my foster dog, a beautiful, 10 year old Black Lab, was put to sleep due to the cancer she had been diagnosed with earlier. She had been living with me and Ky, my American Foxhound, the past 8 months but despite the horrific circumstances of her background that was her life for several years until the Humane Society heard about her and picked her up, she was a great dog. She was a very sweet, gentle, loving and beautiful dog always wagging her tail; she should have been called “Wagger”! When I first got her from the Humane Society, she would regurgitate everything she ate. I took her to the vet where he found she had cancer of the spleen which later went to her lungs and then to her liver… I found the solution to feeding her by making mush of her food so that it was easily digested; there was no more regurgitating.

Through it all, this exceptionally wonderful dog was always in a good mood and always so very friendly. She was so gentle with my great grandchildren and loved being with them. As I write this, I can’t stop weeping for her. I was having a ramp built in my backyard and thought how great it would be for Annie, too, as she had arthritis in her hind legs and the ramp would be so much easier for her than having to use the steps. She died though before it was finished.

Oh, my lovely, lovely Annie, I hope the last 8 months of your life were happy ones with me and Ky: the two of you got along famously and it was fun watching both of you playing in the backyard.

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Annie, you were a very special dog and will never be forgotten.

With Love,

Lee & Ky