Opposition to illegal immigrants isn’t racism

Published 8:28 am Thursday, August 7, 2008

Regarding the rock-throwing incident at Albert Lea’s recent parade:

In the United States of America we have free speech and we respect the law. That is why we have a pretty good country and many want to come here. However, entering illegally is breaking the law and those who enter illegally cost all of us hard-working taxpayers lots of money.

What a shame that law-abiding, tax-paying citizens can’t express their views about illegal immigration without racist criminals throwing rocks and then being defended by ignorant people who think any disagreement with lawbreakers of a different skin pigmentation is racism. Many Hispanics who have entered our country legally or were born here and are good citizens would disagree with Mr. Ted Hinnenkamp’s  uneducated and simplistic view. 

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To support law enforcement and call attention to the immigration fraud that is going on is merely defending one’s country against those who exploit and degrade our country, our economy and our communities.

Linda Huhn
