Erik Larsen shares many of Sarah Palin’s view

Published 8:55 am Friday, September 12, 2008

Until recently, not many of us know who Sarah Palin was and certainly not me. Now we know she is an outstanding leader who is also a loving wife and mother and always puts her people first and does not tolerate wasteful spending or any dishonesty. She is totally honest and forthright and again she is out to serve the people who elected her and has an 80 percent approval rating! I’m glad to know about her and, yes, I will vote for her to be the next vice president of our country.

As I listened to her and about her I wondered how many of you in District 27A know who is Erik Larsen? You can identify him with several of the qualities of Sarah Palin. He has all of the right qualities including integrity, knowledge and, yes, he will put the people he serves at the head of his list. That is why I believe Erik Larsen is clearly our best choice to lead us in District 27A.

Here are a few of his qualifications: He is a resident of Albert Lea with roots going back for a couple of generations. He and his wife, Lori, have been married 18 years and have two children Kyle, 11, and Kristine, 13, enrolled in our District 241 schools. He is a member and sales representative for the National Federation of Independent Business and spends his day talking with small business owner’s in a seven-county area. He finds their No. 1 concern is health care for their employees as well as themselves.

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These small businesses are our No. 1 job creators. They want to make attractive job opportunities available to our children as they grow up so that they might stay in their home towns.

Yes, he has good family values and yes he will work to help the line against more government and more taxes. He would have voted against the famous omnibus gas tax legislation that Robin Brown and her DFL friends passed in last Legislature. Yes, like Sarah Palin, I wonder how many of you know who Erik Larsen is. It will be worth your while and, yes, to protect your pocket books. Find out more, “Who is Erik Larsen?”

Tiny Brandt


Freeborn County Republicans

Albert Lea