Heroes save gentleman without any fanfare
Published 8:39 am Monday, October 20, 2008
We have heroes around us everyday that go unnoticed. Tuesday mornings we have a group that meet at Hy-Vee for breakfast before work, and last Tuesday we got to see exceptional people in action.
A gentleman had a “medical incident” and stopped breathing. A group of men (someone said they were state highway employees) were getting their breakfast, saw what was happening and took action. They moved the tables and chairs, laid the man down on the floor and started CPR on him. I heard one of the men assure the wife that this man was a first responder. He got the man breathing again, stayed with him until the ambulance arrived, and I saw him quietly speaking to one of the ambulance crew.
The gentleman that had the medical incident left in the ambulance, and I heard later he is back for breakfasts at Hy-Vee. The men moved the tables and chairs back and quietly went back to their daily activities. No fanfare.
These are the kind of people who are my idols. We’re lucky to have them living in Albert Lea. So the next time you want to say a harsh word, remember, angels are among us.
Irene Anderson
Albert Lea