Local employers favor minorities

Published 10:05 am Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How many of you people read the headline of the Oct. 13 paper? It read Minorities filling manufacturing needs. Jim Wendorff, the vice president of human resources of Viracon, said that Riverland Community College isn’t producing enough graduates for manufacturing companies. I know a lot of people who graduate from Riverland Community College, and they didn’t get hired anywhere. A lot of manufacturing companies want at least two years experience — not just the schooling. And then it said, to fill this need, companies and schools are turning to the minorities.

What’s wrong with the white person? I guess he or she isn’t eligible for a full-time job any more. I have seen a lot of favoritism toward the minorities in the last five years. A lot of them get hired no questions asked. A lot of them don’t even have a job history. And their job application is incomplete. But yet, they get hired before you. I worked with two Hispanics a couple of years ago. And they both told me the reason they come up here from Mexico is because their country is getting way overpopulated.

Well, whose fault is that? If they had one to two kids per family, the country wouldn’t have that population problem. It’s the same with China. And there’s a lot more countries that are way overpopulated. But United States shouldn’t have to take care of some other countries problem by letting them come over here. Now you know why the unemployment is so high. If you went to some other country and work and got all these free handouts, including free schooling, I can guarantee you that it wouldn’t be safe for you to go out at night. Because somebody will get you.

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