Obama listens to people he meets

Published 2:50 pm Saturday, November 1, 2008

I have followed this election very closely on C-SPAN, Minnesota Public Radio, and various domestic and world news outlets. I’ve watched the candidates’ rallies, conventions, debates and interviews.

It’s important that our next president look at problems from all sides and take into consideration even opposing views before making intelligent decisions. I want a president who establishes a culture of mutual respect. Only then will the people he chooses as advisers and others be able to express their honest evaluation of a situation, sound advice without fear of dismissal or ridicule.

To me, Sen. John McCain seems very condescending, disrespectful and derisive of those who disagree with him — refusing even to look at his opponent during one debate. He and Gov. Sarah Palin seem to spend a lot of time ridiculing Sen. Barack Obama’s ideas and attacking him with smears and innuendo.

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I’m very worried about how Sen. McCain would handle any future real or perceived threat to this country if he becomes president. His panicked, shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later reaction to the economic crisis is worrisome.

I’ve been very impressed with the way Sen. Obama listens respectfully to many people’s point of view, consults with the experts and carefully considers any ramifications before making a decision.

I want a president who will be honest with the American people and not use lies and manipulation to get his way or score political points. Just one example, recently, is Sen. McCain saying that Sen. Obama had written his acceptance speech, knowing it to be false.

I was watching David Letterman the night John McCain called at the last minute to cancel his appearance and then was shown getting ready for another show. This may seem trivial to some, but it shows a lack of integrity to me. The truth would have been better.

Two issues dear to my heart are education and health care. I like Sen. Obama’s ideas for improving our education system, and I know he will make that a priority for our future.

I heard Sen. McCain discuss how his health care plan would help a family of four making $35,000 per year. I’m sure people would like to know where to find health insurance for four people for $5,000 per year. I’m also concerned that he seems to think $35,000 is an adequate yearly income for this same family.

We in America are part of the world community. Believe me, the world is watching this election with great interest. I truly believe that our future safety, prosperity and restoration of our good standing in the world depends on electing Sen. Obama and Sen. Biden.

Pamela Pleiss

Albert Le