May this be your year
Published 8:31 am Friday, January 9, 2009
Well, here we are in 2009! As a child, I never imagined that we would have lived to see it. I thought the world would have ended by now, or Jesus would have come back, or something would have happened that would have prohibited us seeing 2009, but here we are.
2008 was a year mixed with challenges and victories, as well as short comings. It was extremely tough for a lot of people. The condition of the economy was affecting the confidence of many. People wondered if they’d lose their job, whether or not they’d be able to hold onto their house, and so on.
One of the many things we again experienced in 2008 was the faithfulness of God. We witnessed my God move miraculously in so many ways, and it was so encouraging. God provided for our family, for our ministry, and for the many things we were able to do in his name.
By God’s grace, we had the privilege to minister to many people this year. We were blessed to travel to Macedonia to do missionary and humanitarian work amongst the Macedonians and Roma people. The Lord supplied through people, finances, gifts, food, and medical supplies, as well as vitamins, blankets and musical instruments for the people of Macedonia.
It was such a joy to watch the faces of children receiving gifts of soccer balls, beanie babies, clothing, and candy. It was amazing to watch the faces of poor people receive a blanket or a scarf. It was touching to see people who were ill be healed by the power of God. It was amazing to see people who were spiritually oppressed by witchcraft be miraculously delivered by the power of Jesus Christ. People came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and received him into their lives. People converted from Islam to Jesus. People who had no faith at all became believers when they had the gospel preached unto them. All of these things happened because of the faithfulness of our God! What he promises to do, he always fulfills. He has promised to heal, and so he does. He has promised to save, and so he does. He has promised to deliver us from evil, and so he does. He has promised to supply for all of our needs, and so he does.
Our God is a God who is interested in the affairs of men. He is not a God who is distant or uninvolved in people’s lives. He is the God who desires relationship with his creation. He is one who will go out of his way to touch the life of a hurting person. I love that about our God. I love to see God touch and transform someone’s life!
My prayer is that your heart is stirred by the words of this message. My prayer is that this message will spark life and confidence in you about Jehovah God. Every year I get the opportunity to serve the Lord by serving people, I get to experience the faithfulness of God. I pray this year, if you are desiring to see God work in you or through you, that you will turn to him and ask him. He has promised in his word that if we call to him, he will show us great and mighty works that we did not know (Jeremiah 33:3).
May this year be your year for a spiritual breakthrough. May this year be your year for a miracle. May this be your year for God to work on your behalf. May this be your year that God will use you to do his work and serve the Lord by serving people!