Right-wingers are ‘Johnny one notes’
Published 9:10 am Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Recently a panel of Minnesota legislators came to Albert Lea asking for our input on the state budget proposed by Gov. Tim Pawlenty. All you had to do to talk to the panel was sign up in advance. A right-wing Republican (RWR) stepped forward to the microphone to present an unscheduled plentiplaint. He complained that he and his fellow RWRs were being victimized by the panel. He claimed the RWRs were not allowed to talk.
Either the guy does not know how to follow simple directions or he is just another dishonest RWR. Perhaps what is wrong with these RWR folks could be best explained by Republican Tom Horner’s comments about RWR folks on Gary Eichten’s Feb. 25 Minnesota Public Radio “Midday” program.
Mr. Horner said the RWR folks have become “Johnny one notes” simply echoing “cut taxes” and basically having no sense of what the Republican Party is for. Residents from the area presented to the panel thoughtful and persuasive arguments to continue support for government help including local government aid restoration.
Probably the very best critical thinking into resolving the Minnesota budget problem has been proposed by the Minnesota Budget Project. Their paper: “Revenue-Raising Options to Help Close Minnesota’s Budget Deficit” is located at www.mncn.org.
Who would listen to the RWR mantra of cutting taxes after they — and they alone — have created the worst economic emergency since the Great Depression.
Ted Hinnenkamp
Albert Lea