Published 8:55 am Friday, May 1, 2009
Joan Slen, Shirley Christopherson and Carol Frydenlund of Albert Lea were among the 140 members of the American Association of University Women who attended the Minnesota State Convention in Owatonna, April 24-26. Global Voices/Local Action was the theme of the Convention which was the topic of many of the enrichment sessions.
Erica Schultz, Owatonna, and a panel of Owatonna high school-age women, were the keynote speakers. Schultz is pursuing her Ph.D. at Berkley in synthetic organic chemistry. Perspective on issues encountered by girls in school and societal influences that affect their academic studies and career paths. Girls in school and societal influences that affect their academic studies and career paths.
Linda Hallman, AAUW executive director, gave a presentation on bylaw revisions that will make the organization more flexible for members.
One of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, Educational Foundations, provided $4 million in funding for more than 250 fellowships, grants, and special awards to outstanding women in the 2008-2009 academic year. Due to the generous contributions of AAUW members across the U.S., a broader community of women continue to gain access to educational and economic opportunities.
The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund is the nation’s largest legal fund focused solely on sex discrimination on higher education. Since 1981, the fund has helped students, faculty, and staff in higher education challenge discriminatory practice such as sexual harassment, denial of tenure or promotion, pay inequity and inequality in women’s athletic programs.