Teachers, helpers are doing great work

Published 8:09 am Thursday, May 7, 2009

Editor’s note: Today’s letters were written by Lakeview Elementary School students as part of Staff Appreciation Week, which is this week. As such, they share a single headline.

I appreciate Mrs. Yost because she is a good teacher because she helps us when we need help. She helps us learn. She has a big heart. She makes sure nobody gets hurt. Mrs. Yost is a great teacher.

Skylar Bauer

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third grade

I appreciate Mrs. Sczublewski because, when I was in second grade and I had a bad day, she always knew how to solve a problem.

Megan Feikema

fourth grade

I appreciate Mrs. Brune because she is a great helper teacher. She cares about all of us and that’s what makes her so fun to be with. She is always nice and very helpful. Mrs. Brune is the best helper teacher ever!

Jacob Bordewick

fourth grade

I appreciate Miss Smalley because, she is nice, smart, pretty. She is also funny. She cares about our class. Helps others with work and stuff thats important. You are creative. You also dress very nice.



I appreciate Mrs. Haney because she is my teacher and I love her. She has a fortunate heart. I like her so much because she loves everyone in my class. Sometimes she lets us have fun. She loves me and I love her. She is the best teacher in the world more than no other teacher. She has a loving heart and she has a go mind. I love Mrs. Haney!

Jayna Finseth

second grade

I appreciate Ms. Johnson because she is caring. She is a fantastic teacher. If you do not understand what she is teaching you, she tries to connect things that you like to what is used in the lesson. She is so fun! If we behave we go outside for extra reces! Ms. J works us hard but does not overwork us. When I am sad she gives me hugs!

Ms. J is the bomb!

Jordan Friend

sixth grade

I appreciate Eric Hudspith because, I appreciate him because he is my teacher. He doesn’t complain about doing things. He makes learning fun! He is wonderful in many ways. I’m going to miss you when we, the sixth grade, move to seventh grade.

Lexi N. Gordon

sixth grade

I appreciate Emily because she is always very friendly and nice. If any of my friends or myself get hurt she helps them get cleaned up and gets them an ice pack. She lets everybody lay down when they feel sick. Thank you, Emily!

Angie Schmitt

sixth grade

I appreciate Miss Shanahan because, she’s always happy and willing to help. She always asks you how you are doing and it makes you feel cared for. She never gets mad at you. She is pretty and always looks good. Whenever you don’t understand something she is always there to help you out. Miss Shanahan rocks!

Ahnika Jensen

fifth grade

I appreciate Miss Chandler because, Miss Chandler thank you for helping me. Thank you for being nice to me. Thank you for making ELL fun. Miss Chandler you are the best!

Lisbeth Magdaleno-Garcia

third grade

I appreciate Mrs. Prihoda because, she is helping us all the time. When she turns on the music she is funny, and sometiems it makes us laugh.

Lauren Miller

first grade

I appreciate Mrs. Riebe because, she is a nice teacher to me. She is my favorite teacher in the world. She helps me with my work. She is the best. She is fun to be with. She lets us have fun. She does have fun with us.

Chris Seedorf Jr.

fourth grade