16 athletes earn weightlifting letter

Published 1:00 am Friday, June 26, 2009

Sixteen Albert Lea High School student-athletes were the first students to letter in weightlifting this past winter and spring. Lettering was based on attendance, performance, and academics.

The program was the first-ever at ALHS with the desire to make athletes more committed to training in the weightroom.

Participants were pretested and post-tested. Participants needed to show a 10 percent gain in three lifts.

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The lifts were the squat, clean and jerk and the bench.

Participants were also required to attend or participate in a weightlifting meet.

Many athletes saw gains far exceeding the required 10 percent.

Two athletes Derik DeVries and Anthony Farr saw some of the biggest gains of the group during the first session, partly because they had never seen much time in the weight room.

DeVries gained 40 pounds in his bench press, 65 pounds in the squat, and 30 pounds in the clean and jerk. He also gained 13 pounds during the season.

Farr gained 30 pounds in the bench press, 80 pounds in the squat, and 35 pounds in the clean and jerk.

The first session started in early November and ended in March.

The program is open to all athletes and there is no fee to participate.