There are natural ways to repel flies
Published 9:10 am Friday, June 19, 2009
President Obama caused something of an international incident when he killed a fly during a CNBC interview recently. Fortunately, you can solve conflicts with most insects safely, naturally, and humanely with products that you probably have in your kitchen cabinets right now:
To repel flies, hang clusters of cloves in a room, or leave out an orange skin.
Ants eyeing your kitchen? Pour a line of cream of tartar, red chili powder, paprika, or dried peppermint at the place where ants enter the house — they won’t cross it.
Cockroaches are incredible survivors — and very opportunistic. Seal food in airtight containers and remove roaches’ hiding places (such as piles of newspapers), then place bay leaves, cucumbers, or catnip around your home to repel them.
Mosquitoes have few friends when the weather heats up. But eating brewer’s yeast daily during the summer months can help keep you mosquito-bite-free. Mosquitoes also hate the smell of fresh basil, so consider placing a few basil plants around your home.
For more tips on coping kindly with uninvited “houseguests,” or to order an easy-to-use humane bug catcher, visit
Paula Moore
research specialist
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Norfolk, Va.