Recount robs the state of Minnesota

Published 8:35 am Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Minnesota Supreme Court and the Secretary of State’s Office has done a great disservice to the Minnesota electorate. So much for fair and honest elections. It shows us you don’t need to win the vote on Election Day, you just need to have some “smart” lawyers dig up disqualified ballots and get them counted on a selective basis after the election is over.

Franken trailed Coleman by 725 votes after the first count. So let’s count again, after finding some ballots in an election judge’s trunk, Coleman’s lead becomes 215. From there we go to rejected absentee ballots. We don’t look at all of them, just those from “selected” precincts, which happen to be a Franken stronghold. If we are going to start counting rejected ballots, we should consider all of them. We should use a standard procedure and consider every disqualified ballot using the same criteria. That was not the standard for the method of counting.

Minnesotans, we have been robbed. Shame on the Supreme Court and Secretary of State Mark Richie.

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Carol Nelson

Clarks Grove