Editorial on energy lacks base-load info

Published 3:02 pm Saturday, November 28, 2009

Your editorial supporting the energy bill only lists the supposed environmental gains from this legislation, but I assume you also support the other implications of the bill. The president has said he expects energy costs to increase by up to 50 percent so everyone’s monthly power bill will be 150 percent of what it is now. The president hopes to create energy jobs to replace jobs eliminated by this bill but the three countries where it has been tried have lost three jobs for every two energy jobs created, another 2 percent added to unemployment that is over 10 percent now? The new energy sources are not base-load energy, so utilities will have to rebuild base-load capacity to replace coal-fired plants and that will hit the Midwest harder than the rest of the country since coal supplies the majority of the energy in the Midwest, so we can expect the cost to be even higher in our area. You support all this suffering even though the global warming supporters have been caught in many lies about their statistics and have by their own admit ion exaggerated the truth to scare people into following their recommendations?

Your editorials have supported both energy reform and health care reform to happen in the middle of one of the worst economic period in recent history. The cost of these two programs will balloon over the next decade and assure that our children and grandchildren will have a national debt that will crush them.

John Forman

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Albert Lea