Classes make gingerbread houses

Published 9:20 am Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Halverson kindergartners had a craft day on Dec. 18. Grandparents and family members were invited to come create gingerbread houses and make winter crafts.

Students travel to Guthrie Theater

On Dec. 8, all seventh-grade students participated in a field trip to the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis. They saw the play, “A Christmas Carol.”

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This was incorporated into to the study of Charles Dickens’ story, which was read in English or reading classes.

The teachers said they were pleased with how well the students represented Southwest Middle School. This year, the actor who played Scrooge commented after the play about how good the students were.

For many students, this was a rare opportunity. Southwest has taken seventh-graders on this field trip since 1995. It has become almost a tradition at the middle school. Because the students study the story, they can compare this to the play. Live drama contains some differences too. Students said they were impressed by the special effects. The consensus among the students was that the play was incredible, and they were pleased with the opportunity.

Every year some part of the funding to take this trip comes from the Southwest Middle School fundraiser. For the past two years, the newest and healthiest fundraiser has been the Southwest Tiger Trot. In April, students commit to participating in this fun walk/run event that begins and ends at Brookside. The money earned through registration and pledges defers the cost of the trip for all seventh-graders for the next school year. This year’s fee of $30 was reduced to $10 as each student received a subsidy equal to $20 from last spring’s Tiger Trot, so they could go on this year’s trip. There are also scholarship funds available to families in need. The success of this spring’s Tiger Trot will make next year’s trip happen.

Albert Lea, Austin ALC complete challenge

Albert Lea Area Learning Center and Austin Area Learning Center carried on the Albert Lea-Austin rivalry on Dec. 11.

Albert Lea and Austin ALC students met in the Austin gym to play volleyball and basketball in a series of challenge matches. Albert Lea dominated, winning two out of three volleyball games and won the basketball game 50-17. Both schools played co-ed teams with a variety of students playing. It was fun, it was healthy, and it was exciting to watch for the fans. Kirsten Lindbloom and the Chemical Health Awareness Initiative provided some guidance and the busing costs.