Jesus is coming to your house soon — welcome him

Published 8:55 am Friday, December 18, 2009

Do you remember Zacchaeus? He was a “wee little man” eager to see Jesus, who was passing through Jericho. Because he was short of stature, Zacchaeus stood at considerable disadvantage in a crowd and feared he would not be able to see Jesus. So he climbed a tree for a better look.

We are in Advent, that yearning season when the church strains — like Zacchaeus — to see the arrival of Jesus. Longing for a future return of her Lord, remembering Christ’s birth among us as the Baby of Bethlehem, and welcoming his daily arrival in means of grace like Baptism, Eucharist and Christian fellowship, the church gathered in the name of Jesus greets his coming with joy.

Although Christians think more commonly of Mary, Elizabeth and John the Baptist as Advent characters, consider Zacchaeus also as a great model for Advent hopefulness. We aren’t told why he so wants to see Jesus. Perhaps he is just curious, having heard report of this worker of wonders and hoping to see for himself. Or maybe he senses his deep need of saving grace.

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His occupation — “chief tax collector” — would not have endeared him to his neighbors. They would have regarded Zacchaeus as a crook, somebody best avoided if you could. This is not somebody who “deserves” a personal visit from the Lord. No wonder they all grumbled when Jesus invited himself to Zacchaeus’ house.

Advent re-enacts Zacchaeus’ story in you and me. Advent preparation is whatever you and I might do after hearing Jesus’ declaration that he is coming. Jesus looks up and says, “I must stay at your house today.” How then shall we prepare? Clean the house? Make lunch? Invite friends and family? Whatever else we do, one thing is essential: Welcome him in!

Jesus comes, not because we are especially deserving or prepared. Sinners like us have always been his favorite destination.

O Lord, come; and with an outstretched arm redeem us. Amen.