Fishing show coming to Albert Lea Wed., Thur.
Published 9:55 am Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Bob Jenson will be in Albert Lea Wednesday and Thursday filming for his show “Fishing the Midwest with Bob Jensen.” Jensen will be on Fountain Lake on Wednesday afternoon and Albert Lea Lake that evening and Thursday on Albert Lea Lake.
To aid in the production of the show, the Fountain Lake Sportmen’s Club is asking for tips on where the fish are currently biting in Albert Lea. Particularly bass, catfish and pan fish in Fountain Lake and walleye in Albert Lea Lake.
They also ask that fisherman fish Wednesday and Thursday on the respective lakes to create a backdrop for filming. Those fishing should feel free to wave to Jensen but keep enough distance from his boat so not to scare fish away.
Contact Dave Villarreal with needed information at 507-402-1864 or