Mark Harig’s track record proves itself

Published 9:49 am Friday, October 29, 2010

I find it unbelievable how Bob Kindler adamantly opposed the ICE contract during debates early in this sheriff’s race. ICE is an acronym for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the federal authorities who deport illegal aliens.

Now nearing the end of this campaign, Bob wants us to believe he now realizes and supports the very contract he opposed. I do not see the experience or the education he wants everyone to believe he possesses.

If he understood the impact of consistent income being generated through Freeborn County by this contract revenue, he would have supported it immediately. If he realized the importance of full-time jobs to the community, he would not have insisted the ICE contract was not making money and it was bad for Freeborn County. If Bob had been involved in proposing or orchestrating this contract, he would know what he was talking about. He was not involved and he doesn’t understand the ICE contract’s importance. Don’t be fooled by lip service from a candidate who will tell you whatever he thinks you want.

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As a lifelong resident of Freeborn County, I like the direction we are going under Mark Harig’s leadership. In the past eight years, his track record has proven itself. I support Mark Harig. He thinks about jobs and the economy. Mark’s decisions have benefited Freeborn County taxpayers. Let’s keep our proactive sheriff. Re-elect Mark Harig as sheriff.

David Jensen
