Three honored alumni speak to senior class

Published 9:18 am Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Educational Foundation of Albert Lea High School presented alumni awards to five distinguished honorees at the Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce annual meeting on Nov. 11 as introduced by EF/board president, Lilah Aas.

Honorees or their representatives, receiving plaques at the event included the following:

The 2010 ALHS Distinguished Alumni Award Honorees pictured from left to right: Dr. Jerry P. Draayer, class of 1960, Keith Fligge, class of 1952, Lilah Aas, President ALHS Education Foundation, and Dr. Herbert Thompson, class of 1959. -- Submitted photo

Dr. Robert Draayer (class 1960)

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Dr. Herbert Thompson (class 1959)

Keith Fligge (class 1952)

Donald Wedge (class 1931) posthumous award

Herbert Anderson (class 1949) posthumous award

Established standards for honorees to qualify include the following:

• Business and economic endeavors

• Humanitarian activities and public service

• Graduates who remained in or returned to Albert Lea and achieved success in either category

• Posthumous awards in memory of those who achieved success in any of above categories

The three ALHS honored alumni for the year 2010, who were present at the ceremony, gave brief orations of their high school experience, and important milestones in their careers. These men addressed the senior class at an assembly Nov. 12 in a capsule question/answer session at ALHS, which produced multiple topic queries by interested students in the exchange of ideas.

Teachers mentioned by recipients as influential during their high school career included Earl Jacobsen who taught industrial arts, and Byron Spear, a math instructor. Both Jacobsen and Spear were present on Nov. 12 at the high school session with students.

Plaques signifying each participant are displayed on the Wall of Honor at ALHS, along with other award winners from previous years. The board of the ALHS Educational Foundation is responsible for the alumni recognition each year for the Pathways to Success program begun in the year 2007.

The biographies of the recipients were published in the Tribune on Sunday, Nov. 28.