GPS is in right now, while Facebook is out

Published 8:57 am Thursday, January 13, 2011

Column: Thanks for Listening

This last week I had some fun with my Facebook friends. I polled them on different categories to see what was still considered a cool trend or what was not in the world. It was the most unscientific poll of all time, but I was quite surprised at how many people participated.

The following polls resulted in the following:

Email newsletter signup

Question: Dog, cat, or both?


1. Cats: 5

2. Dogs: 18

3. Both: 12

Question: What is your favorite trend?

1. GPS

2. Facebook

3. Fun hats

4. Paying it forward

5. Texting

6. Cool boots

Question: What is your least favorite trend?

1. Facebook

2. Texting

3. Leggings over boots

4. Snuggies

5. Zubaz

6. Celebrities who have no talent other than being on TV

7. Hats worn at 45-degree angle with no bend in visor

8. Pants hanging halfway down your butt

9. Three-dimensional TV and movies

10. Toe socks

11. Crocs with socks

12. Excessive tattoos or piercings

13 Wide earrings that make large circles out of your ear

14. Jeggings

15. Blue jean diapers for babies

16. Parachute pants

17. Skinny jeans

18. Mullets

19. Stirrup pants

20. Shoulder pads

21. Any ’80’s clothing

So as you can easily see, the least favorite trends beat out the favorites by a wide margin. It is funny to note that both texting and Facebook landed on both lists. I would agree with that completely based on how you use them. My personal opinions on these fun lists are I do not like the pants that hang down on your butt. Some kids seem to have more underwear showing than actual jeans. I do not know how they can walk like that. My parents would have grounded me for weeks if I ever came home like that.

I also think that mullets and ’80’s clothing would be sad to come back into style as I already lived through wearing both a mullet as well as Zubaz and do not want to make that mistake again. So I hope you had fun looking over these lists and thinking about your own trend likes and dislikes.

Join me and hundreds more tonight at the Albert Lea High School gymnasium for the Albert Lea Tigers wrestling match versus fierce rival Owatonna Huskies at 7:30 p.m. This match is between two undefeated Big Nine squads. The winner of this match normally goes on to win the Big Nine Championship.

Let’s all go out and show some Tiger spirit as they kick some husky butt!

Good luck, coach Larry Goodnature, and the men of this year’s Tiger wrestling team.

Tribune Managing Editor Scott Schmeltzer’s column appears every Thursday.