4-H ambassador program

Published 9:20 am Saturday, February 26, 2011

This year in 4-H, there are 23 4-H’ers who are part of the 4-H Ambassador Program. 4-H’ers must fill out an application and then are chosen as ambassadors at the start of the 4-H year in October. Ambassadors must be in ninth, 10th, 11th or 12th grade. The ambassador program has many purposes. The program provides leadership challenges for youth leaders beyond the local club experience, it enhances the total county youth leadership program by involving more youth leaders in carrying out programs, it sets a good example of the 4-H Program and promotes good public relations and ambassadors provide leadership to club leaders and youth leaders and recruit other 4-H youth leaders to become involved in county 4-H activities. The ambassadors carry a lot of responsibilities, one of which is helping lead 4-H Cloverbud events.

4-H Ambassadors spend time with Cloverbud 4-H members. -- Submitted photo

Cloverbuds are 4-H members in kindergarten, first and second grade. Special activities are held for these Cloverbuds bi-monthly. Ambassadors practice their leadership roles at these events by helping lead activities, games and songs as well as helping to provide a safe and comfortable environment for those younger 4-H members. Cloverbuds get excited to come to the different events to interact with these ambassadors. It is great seeing these relationships form, and the Cloverbuds look up to these ambassadors.

4-H is a learn-by-doing youth development program for youth grades K-12 delivered throughout Minnesota.

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If you are a youth living in Minnesota, 4-H has something for you. For more information about 4-H contact the Freeborn County Extension Office at 377-5660.