Mr. Beer Truck Delivery Guy

Published 3:30 pm Monday, March 21, 2011

Hero: Travis McKinney

Secret identity: beer truck driver

Base of operations: Krieger Beverage and its distribution area

Photo by Tim Engstrom/Cutout by Stacey Bahr

Superpowers: team player, lucky

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Kryptonite: getting up in the morning

Affiliations: wife, Brooke; son, Tucker; daughter, Tayler

Origin: McKinney was born and raised in Albert Lea and graduated from Albert Lea High School in 2005. He worked for a plumbing and heating company for four years. He found out a vacancy was going to become available as a driver at Krieger Beverage. He inquired before the job was posted, applied and was hired. He has worked there for two years.

He said he enjoys customer relations and finds the most challenging part of the job is getting around in the winter — not only driving but getting carts of beer to stay balanced on snowy ground. He said beer truck drivers often arrive at bars and restaurants before the snow gets cleared.

“It’s hard to get a cart through a foot of snow,” McKinney said.

His favorite beer is Bud Light. Fortunately, Krieger is an Anheuser-Busch InBev distributor, which includes Budweiser beers and partners, with labels such as Bud Light, Michelob Golden, Rolling Rock, Redhook, Stella Artois and Bass. It also distributes the popular energy drink, Monster Energy.

McKinney said summer is the peak season for beer sales, with the Fourth of July as the biggest holiday. He said people would be surprised that the Super Bowl doesn’t make much an impact. He said bars and stores don’t order extra like they do for warm-weather holidays.

About Tim Engstrom

Tim Engstrom is the editor of the Albert Lea Tribune. He resides in Albert Lea with his wife, two sons and dog.

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