First Lutheran Church Women
Published 9:05 am Saturday, December 24, 2011
Nov. 9 the First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. in Bethany Hall for their November meeting.
Prelude music was provided by Joan Holt. Co-President Marge Moine welcomed everyone. Shirley Brownlow had the group sing “Jesus loves me, this I know” with lyrics that were fitting to the group’s age ending with “then I’ll understand his love.” It was a devotion presentation enjoyed by everyone.
After the devotion the group read together the purpose.
Jinni Olson introduced Julie Gilbertson, and with her lovely voice favored the group with a song of Thanksgiving that was appropriate for the season.
Bonnie Schneider introduced Larry Alvey who presented a most exciting program on a few of his favorite places including New York, Hawaii, Alaska, Norway and others making it interesting for the group.
The secretary’s report was presented and upon motion by Hazel Senske, seconded by Joy White was unanimously passed for approval.
The treasurer’s report was presented by Marcia Habben, assistant treasurer, and will be filed for audit.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report: In the absence of Lois Jensen, Bonnie Schneider reported on newsletters and correspondence since last month which has been filed and can be found in the library.
Committee Reports: None
Old Business: None at this time.
New Business: The group’s new slate of officers was presented and upon motion by Ione Kelly, seconded by Lorraine Bakken was unanimously approved. Also announced was that Shirley Brownlow would be in charge of publicity for Holidays Ahead for 2012. Also, the Life and Growth Commission would like to have the group donate vegetables, roast beef or pork roast for the annual meeting supper. Kelly reported that she and Betty Ruud wish to have a couple more members to help their Prayer Request Committee. She explained the fact that it does not take a lot of time as someone calls you and you call someone else, and that’s the extent of your duties.
The Litany of Thanksgiving was presented by Bonnie Trampel and response was given by the FLCW.
Regular offering was taken, followed by the Offering Prayer given by Jane Loge as the group sang “Praise and Thanksgiving.”
Greeters: Hildy Vallevand, Norris Lovik and Gen Montei.
Hostesses: Chairperson Marcia Habben and her Committee, Beth Doyle, Jennifer Edwin, Stephanie Harmon, Carol Hedalen, Brenda Larson, Brenda Lludtke, Jan Overgaard and Bev Sutton.
Upcoming events were:
Friends at First on Nov. 15 with Joanne Schwartz as the speaker.
Nov. 19: Holidays Ahead
Nov. 20: TTT Belgian Waffle Breakfast 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Nov. 30: FLC Advent Recital at 12:15 p.m.
Dec. 4: Christmas Concert “The Story That Never Grows Old” given at 7 p.m.
Bonnie Schneider also announced that the FLCW new booklet for 2012 may be ready for all FLCW members at our December meeting. See attached sheet for 2012 Officers.
The group closed by singing the Table Prayer and also praying the Lord’s Prayer.