Let the wealthy build the stadium
Published 8:15 am Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Your editorial about Minnesota residents not wanting a stadium is correct. More to the point, northern Minnesotans would not be excited about a farther drive to the southern suburbs, if a stadium was built there. It’s already a 415-mile, eight-hour, 20-minute drive, if you don’t stop, from Angle Inlet zip code 56711, one way, to the Metrodome. Oh yeah, and you have to drive through Canada first because the Northwest Angle has no roads back into the United States. We are not benefited by an all-taxpayer-funded stadium up here. Let the millionaire owners build it. If it has to be funded by all taxpayers, then build it near Brainerd. That’s the largest town closest to the center of the state.
Danny Omdahl