Father and son to present parenting seminar

Published 9:25 am Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A father-son duo who tour the country holding workshops about making relationships between parents and children better will be stopping again in Albert Lea.

Krik Martin, and his son, Casey, will hold a workshop from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Brookside Education Center in Room 2236. They both came to Albert Lea to hold a similar workshop in May of 2010. Jill Johnson, an early childhood special education teacher in the district said she’s excited to have them back.

“He has practical ways to make your life easier,” Johnson said.

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Johnson said Martin and his son used to have a feuding relationship and said Martin informs about how parents need to stay calm and eliminate yelling from the home. Martin shares how he and his son built a trusting relationship, which he hopes will inspire parents to do the same. He founded Celebrate Calm to help teach parents and educators that they’re part of the problem in bad relationships.

“He just wants to help people,” Johnson said. “Professionals highly recommend him throughout the nation.”

The workshop is free and open to the public, and there is no need to register. Johnson said the event is practical for all parents, students and anyone who works with children.

“He gives ideas in the classroom of how to work with kids — simple ideas you can use daily,” Johnson said. “He’s got a really great way of sharing things with people.”

Some of Martin’s objectives are to help parents create a calm home with no yelling or arguing, create stress-free mornings and homework time, improve focus, attention and behavior in students, and eliminate defiance and disrespect.

Martin was originally scheduled to speak Wednesday night but had to reschedule other events because of weather, and now plans to speak on Thursday in Albert Lea.

The last time Martin and his son were in Albert Lea about 200 people came to see him. More information about Martin and Celebrate Calm can be found at www.celebratecalm.com.