First Lutheran Church Women
Published 9:25 am Friday, January 20, 2012
First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. in Bethany Hall for their December meeting.
Prelude music was provided by Joan Holt.
Co-President Marge Moine welcomed everyone.
Devotions were given by Barb Andersen who reminded the group that rather than feeling that they have to impress people or go in debt for them to remember them at Christmas, rather they are to be messengers of God as that is the true joy of Christmas!
Jinni Olson introduced Julia Tender who directed the group in a sing-a-long with two Christmas carols enjoyed by everyone.
The program “Santa & John the Baptist” was introduced by Jinni Olson. Santa was portrayed by Dale Matson and John the Baptist by Paul Anderson. They were assisted by Marilyn Matson and Lee Anderson. They had a very heartwarming presentation that everyone enjoyed and that gave the true meaning of Christmas.
The installation service of the 2012 group’s officers and board was conducted by Joan Holt.
New officers are as follows:
Co-Presidents: Gen Montei and Elaine Peterson; Co-Vice Presidents: Neva Mathison and Bonnie Trampel; Secretary: Jinni Olson; Corresponding Secretary: Lois Jensen; Treasurer: Beth Doyle; Assistant Treasurer: Marcia Habben; Immediate Past Presidents: Marge Moine and Bonnie Schneider; Unit Board: Mission Growth (Program), Marge Moine, Bonnie Schneider, Lavonne Oftedahl and Jinni Olson; Circles: Selma Engebretson; Pianist: Joan Holt; Assistant Pianist: Marilyn Chafee; Mission: Community: Marge LaFrance and Bonnie Schneider; Historian: Jane Loge, Mission Action (Caring and Sharing), Barbara Andersen and Donna Ludtke; Food Service: Lavonne Oftedahl; Churchwide Advocate: Beth Doyle; Kitchen: Marge Moine.
The secretary’s report was presented and upon motion by Joy White, was seconded by Lorraine Bakken and unanimously approved.
Marcia Habben, assistant treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report that will be placed on file for audit.
Lois Jensen reported that the group had received a newsletter from River Crossing and a calendar from Minnesota Teens.
Old Business:
Co-President Bonnie Schneider gave an update on the parlor project and reported that funds for this renovation project are in place. After the new year, this project will include new countertops, new carpet along with hardwood flooring, painting, new lighting, plus using some of the present fixtures to fill in on the new three level lighting which will make it more useable for meetings along with special events held in the parlor. It was also suggested that hot water be installed in the kitchen if possible. Thelma Foss, Marge LaFrance and Diane Damerow are leading this renovation and are open to any suggestions others may have regarding the parlor renovation. Funds in the amount of $12,000 are now available with matching funds, and after the first of the year another $3,000 will be available. Any questions or suggestions may be given to any one of the three members leading this committee.
Co-President Bonnie Schneider also reminded the circle presidents that the reports needed to be left at the church office by Dec. 20. She also reported that the $6,500 is sent to missionaries directly as there had been some questions as to how these funds were distributed. Bonnie Schneider reminded the group that secret prayer partners will be revealed after the meeting today.
New business: None at this time.
Offering: The offering was received as Joan Holt provided the group with Christmas music.
Offering prayer: The offering prayer was given by Neva Mathison.
Thank yous were given to:
Ushers: Cathy Carter and Helene Westrum
Greeters: Elaine Peterson, Marlene Jensen and Virginia Hermanson
Hostesses: Chairwoman Sue Olson and her committee: Betty Ball, Donna Ludtke, Karin Mattson, Anna Oberg, Gladys Rowe, Karen Neale and Helen Schwartz.
Caring and sharing: Co-Chairwomen: Carol Colstrup and Wanda Dorman and their committee served four funerals in November.
Upcoming events were:
Dec. 15: Homebound/Shut-in service
Dec. 20: Friends at First Lutheran Christmas luncheon with staff
Dec. 21: Advent recital featuring Sue Jorgensen
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve candlelight worship services
Dec. 25: Christmas Day service
The Lord’s Prayer was prayed by everyone. Following the Table Prayer the group gathered for lunch and fellowship.