Justice system in Minn. not just

Published 10:18 am Friday, March 23, 2012


It looks like spring has sprung, but things just never change. Our legal system has become a joke. When the criminals get more rights than the victims, that’s a travesty.

Two young women who terrorized elderly people got a slap on the hand. Some of these people died knowing that they had been humiliated and assaulted by people who were supposed to take care of them. Those two didn’t even have to serve their whole sentence.

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Then we have a couple who are busy counterfeiting money, which could have ended up in any of our pockets. They get one year. What a joke that is. I’m sure the courts have said these sentences, whether served or not, will teach them, but what will it teach them? It teaches them if you look sweet and oh so sad, you won’t have to do your time.

Then we still have the city council that we now know doesn’t have the guts to stand up and explain to its citizens what kind of justice it brings to the table. Not one of the councilors will stand up and answer the question of why one person is prosecuted and another isn’t. Well, maybe I need to show up at a council meeting and ask them on camera why they refuse to answer. That way, all of the citizens of Albert Lea can see what cowards we have deciding how our city is to be run. We were the victims of these crimes, but only one was prosecuted.

Justice is a funny thing. Some people get justice, but most don’t. It’s time that the victims start receiving the majority of justice, not the criminals. Let’s get this system right before the good people become the victims and the criminals take over.


Kathy Diaz

Albert Lea