Food shelves need support

Published 9:18 am Thursday, April 12, 2012

March was Minnesota Food Share month. Many food shelves in this area participated in the largest food donation promotion of the year to help feed local people in need.

Channel One Food Bank thanks the many churches, civic organizations, schools and individuals in your community that answered the call and helped make Minnesota Food Share Month a success in your town. The donations made to your local food shelf during March Food Share Month are vital to helping feed your friends and neighbors in need and in fighting the war on domestic hunger.

Channel One is the primary food resource for local food shelves throughout our region. As the region’s food bank Channel One gathers and distributes over 8 million pounds of food through local food shelves to people in need in southeastern Minnesota and La Crosse, Wis., yearly.

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Demand on local food shelves is growing! Continued support of your local food shelf is vital to helping feed the hungry in your community. A contribution to Channel One Food Bank will impact the hunger problem regionally and strengthen our ability to help your local food shelf.

For information on how your company, organization or you individually can join the Channel One Food Bank mission and fight hunger regionally, visit the Channel One website at If you would like to learn more about hunger in southeastern Minnesota, I will gladly speak to you, your organization, group or company and provide information on hunger in America, in our region, in your town and about Channel One. Contact me at 507-454-8842 or

Reach out to your hungry friends, neighbors, co-workers and classmates through support of Channel One. Helping feed people in need!


Jack Karnick

regional representative

Channel One Food Bank
