Lessons must be learned from crash

Published 6:36 am Sunday, April 22, 2012


My memory of Bass would be how he allegedly almost took three young innocent lives. I was upset to see a gathering being held at the Bend in the Road in memory of Bass with people having beers in their hand. How many of you drove home with alcohol in your system? Did we not learn anything from the allegations surrounding this tragic accident?

I know that those three innocent boys have learned an awful lot from this. They are emotionally upset after what they’ve seen. Not being able to close their eyes without seeing a man die in front of them, wishing they could have done something, anything to save him. They are afraid to get in their own car as they know they would have died if they were them. Their bodies in so much pain and their hearts are breaking into pieces.

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How important it is that we use this accident as a way to teach children and other adults lessons. I don’t personally know Bass, but I would think he would want us to go down the right road. It’s not OK to take your own life in this manner or another’s.

With prom right around the corner, I hope you would use this as a tool to teach your children how important this is not to drink and drive. These three kids were doing nothing wrong. They were simply going to get something to eat. They had their seat belts on, were not speeding and were not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. They were simply minding their own business when out of nowhere their lives took a turn.

These three boys will never be the same after what they saw and endured that tragic night. May God bless all the family and friends involved.


Tabitha Mithun

New Richland