America can do better than this

Published 9:51 am Friday, September 7, 2012

I see the Democratic National Convention started off with a bang.

First, they decided to drop God’s name from their party platform while at the same time announcing their unwavering support for the “legal” killing of unborn babies. Then, they assured us that marriage would be redefined to include same-sex couples.

In the meantime, Raul Castro weighed in from Cuba pledging his unwavering support for President Barack Obama. While all of this was going on, we watched the U.S. debt clock rocket past the $16 trillion mark, $5 trillion of which has come under the Obama administration’s watch in the last 44 months!

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It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat, Republican or independent, we can do better folks. We have to do better for the sake of our children and grandchildren!


Scott Bute
