Conger 4-H
Published 8:40 am Friday, September 21, 2012
The Conger 4-H Club met on Sept. 9 at the Conger Community Center. The club won grand champion booth at the Freeborn County Fair, and it was reserve champion for the banner and community pride competitions. The club wanted to say thank you to families who helped with recycling at the fair. Project records were due by Sept. 17. Members can enroll for the new year at New officers will be elected at the October meeting, and anyone in sixth grade and older can run for an office. Families should sign up to be on committees for next year. National 4-H week is Oct. 7-13.
The group’s next meeting will be at 5 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Conger Community Center. They will be having a hayride with the Alden Club.