
Published 6:23 am Sunday, July 7, 2013

Freeborn 4-H

The Freeborn 4-H Club met at 4 p.m. June 23 at the home of Sandy Anderson. There were two members, three parents and one guest present. The meeting was called to order and the pledges were recited. Roll call was “What projects are you taking to the fair?” The secretary and treasurer reports were approved as read. Bills were presented by Anderson for flowers for the Heritage Society Museum, which is one of the club’s Community Pride projects; also for hot dogs, brats, hamburgers and buns for the picnic. The bill for the club’s dues was also presented. It was motioned and seconded to pay these bills.

A thank you was signed by the members thanking the Freeborn American Legion Gambling Fund for giving the club money to purchase the flowers that were planted in the planters around town. This is another of the club’s Community Pride projects. It was decided not to participate in the Wells Kernel Day celebration. Anderson announced that the club will do the recycling at the Freeborn County Fair on Aug. 1, meeting at 6 p.m. at the hazardous waste truck.

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A discussion was held concerning donating money to the Freeborn County 4-H to sponsor one of the trophies needed for the county fair. The club will sponsor a trophy. Anderson reminded the club members and parents that on July 22 the club will be helping to clean and set up the 4-H exhibit building.

The club will not be meeting in July or August unless there is something that needs to be decided upon that can’t wait until the September meeting. Anderson will email the members of any changes that take place. Anderson recommended to the members to read the June and July Clover Updates that are online. They contain the fair information. The club’s next meeting will be at 5 p.m. Sept. 8 at the Freeborn Legion Hall. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned. Following the meeting a picnic was held in the Andersons’ backyard. Project talks and demonstrations were given by Abbey Redman and Travis Bye. After the picnic the members and parents worked on a Community Pride project by weeding the Hospice Garden. The members and parents also cleaned up the litter at the Freeborn City Park. This will be another of the club’s Community Pride projects.