Published 9:30 am Friday, July 12, 2013
St. John’s Auxiliary
St. John’s Auxiliary met at 2 p.m. June 17 in St. John’s Chapel. Vice President Jan Jerdee welcomed everyone and gave devotions. Becky Nordland led the group on piano in singing “Jesus Loves Me” and “Beautiful Savior.”
Auxiliary Secretary Bonnie Schneider read the minutes of the May 20 meeting. Treasurer Lorraine Schoper gave the treasurer’s report. The reports were approved.
Volunteer Coordinator Carla Reichel reported 732 volunteer hours for May, Day care had 55 hours, three You and Me Clubs and one magic show.
Activities Director Shirley Leeman reported on activities planned for July: walking the Blazing Star Trail, ski shows, fishing, garden planting night, Branson Show at the high school on Sunday, July 2 LA Sasse music, July 4 Independence Day, July 5 Johnny Bird music, July 11 and 25 woodworking, July 12 Hans and Accordian Man, July 18 Kent Larson and on July 24 Chris Vonarx.
Bonnie Schneider read the names of the residents celebrating June birthdays. The “Happy Birthday” song was sung.
Churches thanked for serving Sunday coffee were: Oakland Lutheran, Hayward Lutheran and Freeborn County Women Veterans.
New business: Carla Reichel read the proposed changes to the auxiliary constitution starting in 2014.
1. Change the auxiliary meetings to 10:30 a.m. instead of 2 p.m. as it is a better time for residents.
2. Canceling the cheer program.
3. Ask local churches to adopt two Sundays per year to assist with the Sunday morning worship service by providing volunteer escorts to help residents from their rooms to the Chapel.
4. Sunday coffee and dessert would remain the same.
A motion was made by Erna Bertelson of Trinity Lutheran and seconded by Lois Anderson of Salem Lutheran. Discussion was held. A vote was called for and the motion was passed. The changes to the constitution will be presented at the November meeting.
The program was provided by Beth Spande and members of Readers Theater. They go into schools and read to kindergarten through third-grade classes. They presented “Billy Goats Gruff.”
Refreshments were provided by St. John’s Dietary Department. The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.
Wa Tan Ye Service Club
The July Wa Tan Ye meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Wedge. Roll call was taken and all members were present. Marie Querna returned after recovering from an accident. JoAnn Holstad is back home after her trip to Florida. It was nice to have them back to the club.
Holstad read the minutes of the last meeting. Alice Petersen read the treasurer report and both were approved and placed on file.
Correspondence was read. The group was updated on the company they get the dish cloths from. A total of $30 was collected for the food shelf. It will go to the Salvation Army this month.
The group sang “Happy Birthday” to Sharon Jahnke for her birthday.
The meeting was adjourned. Wedge was the hostess for the meeting. Wedge also gave a reading on the three quotes.
The next meeting will be Aug. 5.