Published 8:58 am Friday, August 16, 2013
Wa Tan Ye Service Club
President Dorothy Wedge called the Aug. 6 Wa Tan Ye Service Club meeting to order. Roll call was taken and all the members were present.
JoAnn Holstad read the minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer’s report was given by Alice Petersen. Both reports were approved and placed on file. Correspondence was read and discussed by the members.
The club received information about the annual convention which will be held in Emmetsburg, Iowa, in October. The group was also made aware that it will be the hosts for the convention next year and it will host the district meeting in April 2014. This will be a busy year.
The club did not have any information concerning the dish cloths. It is hoping to at least get the money back.
The meeting was adjourned.
Hostess for the meeting was Marie Querna.
The next meeting will be Sept. 9. Labor Day is the first Monday.
The TOPS Minnesota Chapter 979 announces its July and August winners.
Division winners: Janice Schroader, Julie Baldwin, Dorothy Porter, Pat Sorenson, Rose Rollands and Deanne Kuchera.
Quarterly winners: Lois Goodnature and Pat Sorenson
Four-week loss: Marjorie Lau and Shirley Schuster
KOPS in black: Peggy Inderlie and Elayne Wichmann
Showers fruit: Pat Sorenson
Paper: Elayne Wichmann, Peggy Inderlie and Nancy Jenson
Coin: Ardis Bang and Elayne Wichmann
Vegetable: Frieda Johannsen and Ardus Sanderson